Latest BSNL Landline plans for basic phone users with affordable monthly rental across Andhra pradesh and Telangana Telecom circles.
Plan Name | Tariff | Offer |
BSNL landline services:
BSNL Landline payment: Basic phone users can easily make labdline monthly bill payment at nearest bsnl CSC or online or at bsnl channel partner sites or retailer.
BSNL Landline plans: Affordable landline plans are available for basic phone user to make unlimited voice calls to any network for both Local / STD on selected landline bsnl plans.
BSNL Landline complaint: BSNL landline user can complaint online using by registering the landline connection on selfcare portal. Not only complaint can also track the complaint lodged at bsnl selfcare portal. , BSNL user after can easily upgrade bsnl landline broadband plans, bsnl landline plan change at bsnl portal online.
BSNL Landline bill view: After registering at selfcare bsnl portal or portal for landline services can access to download or view bsnl lanldine bill. Not only can bsnl landline connection,
BSNL Landline Disconnection: If any customer of landline due landline bill automatically bsnl server disconnect the landline connection and after payment of monthly rental bill landline phone connection will be restores immediately.
BSNL Landline surrender form: If any reasons customer leaving to other place or moving abroad or not satisfied with bsnl services can surrender their landline connection by submitting bsnl landline surreder form at nearest bsnl customer service center.